Boko Stables
Trotting Classics Tour

With over 700.000 Euros prizemoney annually!

TCT Latest winners

Giving European trotting new impulses!

Boko Stables Trotting Classics Tour

With an annual injection of at least 700,000 Euros, the Boko Stables Trotting Classics Tour is an initiative that benefits the entire trotting sport!

The Trotting Classics Tour is a circuit for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds with a total prize money of no less than 700,000 Euros per year.

The objective of the Trotting Classics Tour is to let the sport of trotting grow in a way the continuity of the sport is guaranteed.

The TCT program includes around 40 age-races for horses from all over Europe, regardless of nationality, be held on Dutch trotting tracks and the German tracks of Hamburg Bahrenfeld and Munich Daglfing.

The Trotting Classics Tour offers an important perspective for owners, breeders, trainers, racetracks, bettors and fans.

The Trotting Classics Tour differs from the existing classic races and stake programs (where prize money is often 100% funded by owners), because in the TCT program approx. 100,000 Euro of the prize money is contributed by sponsors and hosting racetracks.

Around 40 new international races (classic and satellite) annually with total purses of over €. 700,000 annualy!

Boko Stables Trotting Classics Tour

New perspective for owners, breeders, trainers, racetracks, bettors and fans!

The Trotting Classics Tour aims to grow the sport of trotting in a way the continuity of the sport is guaranteed!

With our objective we offer a broad perspective for all levels of the sport, from owner to breeder and from trainer to bettor!

A small selection of the many benefits that the Trotting Classics Tour has to offer:

Trotting Classics

Benefits for all
in European trotting!

TCT-classic races and
about 25 Satellite Races
each year!

Boko Stables Trotting Classics Tour

You can profit from the benefits of the Boko Stables Trotting Classics Tour since 2020!

With the horses born in 2019 i.e. yearlings of 2020,  we started TCT program.

The Trotting Classic Tour will start with the Trotting Classic Stake Race (int.), The Derby of the ‘Lage Landen’ for Two Year Olds (int.) And the Gold Cup for Two Year Olds (int.). In these three races, € 95,000 in prize money is guaranteed.

In 2023, the Trotting Classics Tour will include the races for two-year-olds (born 2021), three-year-olds (born 2020) vand four year olds (born in 2019, 

You can enroll your yearling(s) in the TCT program now. You can register your yearling until December 31st, 2023 at the latest! No late-entries allowed i.e. closed is closed.

The Trotting Classic Tour offers owners trotting sport of an International level.


Join the Trotting Classics Tour and win the Derby of the 'Lage Landen'
with 100.000 Euro prize money!

on a

A unique opportunity for your business!

International exposure for your company and an excellent opportunity to maintain your network!

Harness racing has developed into a network environment where you can gladly take your relations to the racetrack. Culinary enjoyments in a beautiful atmosphere and with a little luck you are betting on the winning horse as an extra ingredient.

The Trotting Classics Tour offers your company various opportunities to present itself at an international level. Your own name of a race, an annual trip with all sponsors and every TCT meeting an invitation for you and your guests.

Sponsoring is possible on two levels. You can become a Platinum or Gold sponsor. You can read all about the various options on the special sponsor page.

Over 35% of the total prize money is funded by sponsorship!